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Riz's Ramblings

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Bushdate .. 16-12-08

Riz Jiwa


Back in the Masai Mara, after a US adventure.. mainly in various parts of New Mexico.
Getting a hot air Balloon pilots licence was an interesting, challenging and very very fun thing to do!
The mara is always exciting to come back to, and after the longest break i've had from here in over 2 years, it is especially so this time!
There seem to be very few animals around, but November is one of the times when they are most widely dispersed as they move in search of better quality graze and water. The local cattle populations are being forced (and led) to do the same.. so this is pushing the wildlife further and deeper into the reserve, as well as out of the park.

Basecamp had an unusually busy November, with the well attended Ecostorm Conference, followed immediately by the 10th year annversary celebrations.
My excitement for November came from Basecamp Masai Mara being named in National Geographic Adventure's 'Top 50 Eco Lodges in the World'!!

Here's the link!


I claim that one... !

Well...see you in the Skies over the Masai Mara soon!


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Okay Riz, where's all the photos... I want some sunrises from the Balloon basket please
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Hahaha! Thanks for the prod wame Warden! :-)
Unfortunately, i haven't even flown once yet since being back.. there are very few guests here at the moment.. so balloon's are flying once every few days..
Will oblige soon though.. very soon
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Hmm, I better go to Kenya soon. The last balloon pilot in the Mara who invited me to take a ride, emigrated to South Africa before I could take the offer... biggrin.gif
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No. That was Gary Mortimer, based at Keekorok with Balloon Safaris. After Gary moved to South Africa I lost contact.

PS: Made a short search at Google - looks like Gary is quite famous now...
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hahaha.. he was here last season.. flying for Governors i believe.. never knew him well.. just met maybe once or twice..
hmmm. will look him up on the Goog.. :-)
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hello riz this philip ,im happy to be reading your artcles in safaritalk ,i have been in serena has aguide driver for 2months it was agood training now im back home wish to see meet you sir my no is 0720382622 thanks
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